Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Question of the future prez Obama?

Yes. I am 100% with you. My husband and I are both not so convinced he is this 'amazing' person all these people think he is.

Bahai-Christian dialogue?

Any comments, suggestions, insights you have on this topic will be appreciated. I am an evangelical Christian and work with people of the Bahai Faith. I would be interested to find out how many Bahais and how many Christians have been successful in entering into a dialogue about how to interpret scriptures.

Wilt Chamberlain Project -Need Topics?

I am doing a major project on how Wilt Chamberlain change the game of basketball(Main Topic). I need about 7-8 "SUB" Topics. In other words, what things can I write of how he change the game of basketball.

Why do we need to study mitosis/meiosis?

i have studied that twice now.... in biology cl....and i cant remember a thing about alot of good it did me....

Books to lead on from "The Chronicles of Narnia"?

I've just finished the 7th of the Narnian chronicles and I'm already longing for new adventures. Can you please suggest any authors or books that are similar to the Chronicles of Narnia, or just books that you love and think should be spread?

Starting an Organization? From Prison?

yeah - im thinking more in the terms of extermination non profit from the private sector - when the government shuts down and we get this voted in - first and formost - no parol - or appeal

Just how peaceful would you rate her?

They should have finished her off with one more round after they wounded her, and not waste time on a trial. Islam is NOT a religion of peace and love as they woulod have you believe.

Why do I feel more like a Scorpio than Cancer(sun)?

Definitely possible you have a strong scorpio influence in your chart and it can overpower your sun which is in 8th house

How do you properly install POW for Firefox and get it running?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is The Dark Knight still the Dark Knight?

I think that the intent for The Dark Knight's ending was to pursue a different angle for a future third film. At the end of TDK, Batman is now the hunted. He will no longer be deemed as a hero to the public, but rather, a vigilante who terrorizes the streets of Gotham. This leaves several angles for the plot of a third installment. For instance, because Batman is wanted for the alleged murder of Harvey Dent, this means he will have to keep a low profile. Either we will be seeing more of Christian Bale in the next installment as he plays more of Bruce Wayne the Billionaire rather than Batman, or it could also mean an opportunity to introduce some new villains into the picture who could wreak havoc in Gotham, forcing the police to seek out Batman for help.

Where can I buy Cigars/Don Diego Preludes online?

I smoke cigars. My favorite is Don Diego Preludes, not too big and not too small. Does anyone know a trustworthy site where I can buy these cigars online as well as cigars in general?

What song is this, come down to the water...?

come down the water, down to the water.... some people are coming together, some people are falling apart. It's something like that i heard it at BRIT school open day last night. thanks

My hair is falling out and i'm only 13?!?

What the heck?!!? I'm thirteen and my hair is falling out I'm a girl and my hair medium i don't know if its just because i play with it..A LOT or is something wrong? Also it's been falling out in lots of pieces like 30 pieces in one stoke ?

Could I have pneumonia?

It's a good bet on pneumonia. With a fever, you'd better sit home and take it easy until you see the doc. If you get worse real fast, have someone run you to he ER and make no bones about it.

Do you believe that evil people should be punished?

You know what. You should seriously consider becoming a policewoman or criminal prosecutor. All that fighting talk makes me think you'd be good at it.

What size to get in soccer cleats if im switching from kangaroo leather to microfiber?

this is my first time considering microfiber. i am looking at the adidas predator powerswerve trx fg climacool. i have owned two pairs of regular kangaroo leather powerswerves in the past in size 11 and they have fit me great. so should i go up or down in size, or stay the same???

How deep are earthquake cracks?

Here in NZ we've just had a major quake. Cracks opened in the ground. Typically, how deep are they likely to be?

Would you trade away Greg Jennings, Ryan Torain, and Deion Branch for Maurice Jones Drew and Anquon Boldin?

I would get Jones Drew and Boldin. My other receiver is Reggie Wayne. My RB's are terrible. I have a bunch of backups that include: Tolbert, Ben-Jarvis Ellis, Felix Jones, Chris Ivory, and Clinton Portis...whom I think is coming back and may regain his starting status

Car decorationg contest! Any ideas?

Our high school is having a car decorating contest. I wanna go all out. Our school colors are blue, white, black, and gray. Our mascot is the bulldog. I would greatly appreciate any ideas!!

Santa Clause copyright?

Can anybody tell me if Santa Clause is copyrighted? I have heard that coke owns the copyright, but I don't even know how to begin looking to figure out if he is a copyright or trademark to anybody and who it is to if it is. Thank you in advance.

Trade help now please!?!?

That is a great trade for you. Moss would be huge to get and you already have 3 other solid running backs. Plus losing Harvin would not be too big of a deal.

Why does it seem like there are more Mexican and other Hispanic transvestities (m to f) than any other ethnic?

group? It just seems that way, for instance "Gwen" Arujo. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and it seems like there are more Latino transvestites than other ethnic groups of transvestites. Which strikes me as ironic b/c I think Latin-american culture, and the different subcultures within it, (i.e., Mexican, El Salvadorian, Peruvian, etc.) are very bent on maintaining gender roles, such as the whole "machismo" thing, where the guy acts very masculine and tough, and the women are expected to be nurturing and domestic. Is it from this that transvestites come about, because the culture they come from is more stirct on gender roles? Is this still true of Latin culture in different places in Latin-America, that ideally men are to be masculine and tough and the women feminine in that they are nurturing and have and raise children?

Guys, would you CHOOSE to be friends with a girl who has it all?

hes casually dating you, most likely finds you attractive...but just straight up ask him after you've hung out with him a couple what he sees ...good luck!

What does this metaphor mean in this poem?

Don't quote me on this, but I believe the PITILESS WAVE--is the tide of life(the lifespan each of us has,the non-feeling lifespan), and the grains of sand are the people who p on and return from wence they came.-----william

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Questions about losing our virginity?

okay, we are both 16 and shes almost 17. we have been through a lot and love each other very much. when i first met her she was very pro abstinence (only abstinence). she now has expressed she wants to have . I want to be absolutely safe but still enjoy it cuz its my first time. i want it to be memorable and enjoyable and worry-free. I plan on using a condom (only one cuz i heard two makes them more likely to break). I also want to use another contraceptive to be safe but im not positive what to use. the pill is a no go because its against catholicism apparently. i heard about spermicidal foam but im not positive about the effectiveness nor whether or not it might eat up the condom. what are my need-to-knows here about the first time and what should i know/do about contraceptives? also, should i do the pull and pray along with it just to be safe? anything either of us need to know in general? any help is great. thanks a lot.

Where can i download slash buy (cheap) autoCAD2008?

so I'm looking for a cheap or free auto-cad 2008 for a macintosh that doesn't have VMware fusion or boot camp #1 is this possible #2 where can i get this. all help appreciated. :p

How do i cook cod?

i have some frozen cod fillets in my freezer. i want to cook them for a salad that i will be eating tonight. how do i cook it? im not looking for recipes, however i dont know if i need to thaw out first or how long to cook it for.

What do you think about Wrestlemania 25?

Here is what i think. I love Kid Rock, but his performance was not normal. Hbk vs. Undertaker was great kept a person guessing, couldn't believe Hbk broke out of Undertakers moves that many times. HHH vs. Orton, glad HHH won, but their hate for each other is getting old. Glad Cena won again, he must be one tough guy to be able to pick up Big Show and Edge at the same time. The storyline with Vickie, Edge and Show is getting more strange all the time. Didn't care much for the money in the bank match. The Diva match was dumb especially with Santino as a woman and he/she actually won. Good riddance to JBL never could stand him. What's up with Jeff and Matt Hardy i used to like them as a team now Matt suddenly hates his brother, whatever. Kind of strange there was no tag team match, before the show, Carlito talked about past wrestlemania events yet he wasn't on there. What is up with Christian suddenly being on there? He was on Tna, now comes back and is able to be in a match all of a sudden. Steve Austin made my night, there will never be another wrestler like him, he made wwe worth watching, especially what he used to do to Vince. It was kind of sad when he announce he isn't returning to wrestling. I thought the show was pretty good even though there were some parts not worth watching.

I want to know some sad/romantic rock songs with meaningful lyrics?

i like tiger lilly by matchbook romance. its a good song hopefully thats kind of what your looking for

Can you give me a name (sports star, celebrity, etc.) that is onomatopoeia (a sound that literally makes the?

meaning) such as in "Batman" shows like 'crash', 'pow', etc.? My example is Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini, the boxer. Answer carefully and c'ya on da otha side if you be da "chosen" one. Btw, thanks!!! Until then, as you were... Peace out my Answers brothers and sisters.

Why was OJ so mad, about the sports memorabilia?

If you had stuff stloen from you and you knew some guy was selling it what would you do?Maybe not takeing it to the extreme OJ did but asking for the stuff back wasn't going to work either.He would have been smarter to get the police involved.Then again the Goldmans might have been able to sell it on him.

If you were a spaceman(woman...spacewoman?).…

..if you were a space person....and you were out on a space walk or something....and somehow you became disconnected from your spaceship....and you floated out into space...unable to return to your spaceship...would you A) freak out and soil your spacesuit and cry yourself to sleep or would you B) enjoy the ride and take pleasure in knowing that no other person has ever gone to meet his(her) maker in such a fashion.....please explain in great detail..peace and love...peace and love....

I am in high school and am a cancer survivor. Can I still join the military?

I am cancer survivor (thank God) and in high school and I would like to join the USAF one day as enlisted. I have asked this question many times before but half of the answers I get is ``no you cant join``, then I get ``yes you can``. PLEASE anyone, I need a straightforward answer. I get so discouraged when people say I can`t then people say I can join. It gets confusing. The cancer was Hodgkin's lymphoma. I have also had asthma but I never had to use an inhaler since 6th or 7th grade and it does`nt affect me when I exersize. Answers are very appreciated, it means alot

Songs from the most recent movie 17 again?

What's the song played when Zac Efron first arrives at the school, coming out of the car in his new clothes?

Can you love someone deeply without needing them?

I don't think so. Even a parent that deeply loves their child wants and needs their love and appreciation returned. I have answered questions before about what I want from a partner and the list is: love, affection, caring, kindness, , etc. And I'll look at other answers and they'll be like "I don't need anything from anyone." Why have someone in your life that you just give to and never receive anything back from?

What Is Your First Impressions?

It's hard to say since with the exception of the first link, there is little information in English. It appears however that all three are actively showing their dogs which is a good sign. I think you will need to contact the breeders directly and learn more about them and their breeding programs, health guarantees and ability to ship dogs to the United States.

In matters of science, which would you trust?

the beauty of science is that we are constantly learning. learning from our mistakes and errors in reasoning so we don't make those same mistakes again. this explains why our technology is moving forwards and not backwards. we're not sending messages via horseback anymore, we have email. no doubt what we know today in the field of science is more than what we knew 100, and far more than what we knew 2000 years ago. so isn't it reasonable to trust any scientific theory we have today over theories we had 2000 years ago, if the two theories contradict one another? example: we don't still believe the earth is flat, do we? can you think of any field of science where we rely more on outdated theories than the current accepted theory? you find me one and i'll consider creationism as being truth.

How to get rid of, or control, puppy dandruff?

I have a 3 month old black lab. He has an access amount of dandruff and the vet told me to add just a very small amount of vegetable oil to his food a couple times a week....that was about a month ago and still no change. I was just wondering if anybody else knew of a way to stop or control it a little better. Any good shampoos or dietary supplements? stuff like that...

Do You Support These Proposals On Gay Rights?

I agree with everything. This is the 21st century. Gays are just people who happen to have a different ual orientation to me. I got no problem with that, and kids should be taught to respect gay people in the same way that they should be taught to respect others, after all, some of them will go on to be gay themselves. REALITY is something sadly lacking in Britain, we need a little more of it, and Faith schools,especially Islamic faith schools, should be made to either teach the acceptance and tolerance of gay people, or be closed down completely. I find it hard to believe that this could even be an issue in this day and age. Let alone the subject of a cheap vote winner for Nick Klegg, the man who sold out the British people by pulling hes support for the EU referendum at the very last minuit BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT with the labour and conservative parties in order to insure their seats on the EU gravy train.....Did you really think that we have forgotten Nick, you judas......

How do allow E-mails and IMs on your Answers profile?

When i first joined Yahoo! Answers i was scared of getting a lot of spam in my inbox but it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I've been trying to allow it but it isn't working. Help, please?

I want fairness on face , so how i will get it ?

i m 21 years old , living in mumbai my skin is normal , some spots in my face , i want to remove it , and please suggest me a fairness cream , my hand skin tone is not match to my face skin tone , so please suggest me cream

What's your opinion of leftists who say there's no "real" leftists in govt. while we have $13 trillion in debt?

Seriously, you've come across these people right? Saying we haven't seen a "real" leftist yet. With Uncle Sammy $13 trillion in the whole and countless government transfer schemes from the productive to the moochers, I guess I'll say these folks are tone deaf. You got anything better?

Just a sad story if you want to hear Pregnant ladies.?

Well first off this is part is not sad, i went in for my 7 week ultrasound to confirm everything is great. While in there on the screen my husband noticed a flicker and asked the nurse if that was the heartbeat. She said yes and focused on it for a while for us to see. It was the most amazing thing we both ever seen it suddenly became so real to us that we together created this human being to walk this earth and to be somebody and fall in love. Based on that however, i was saddened when the nurse told me that she was relieved by our reactions when i asked why she said "well the last girl that left came in for her 7 week ultrasound not at her own will but by her family with hopes of changing her mind about abortion. she said that she began the ultrasound and her jaw dropped when she noticed not 1 but 2 little babies planted firmly in the uterus with strong heartbeats. She showed the patient and her reaction was well now I'm definitely getting an abortion! I couldn't believe it. After seeing what i saw on the screen, the most amazing creature living and breathing inside of me and to be blessed with 2 and rid of them as though they are garbage just sickened me. How can people be so heartless and cold. No regard for anyone but themselves and not bat an eye at ending 2 beautiful lives. Sorry just wanted to share.

Baby wearers what kind of baby sling did you use?

none -slings & front packs are not well designed for an ergonomic fit. invest in a back pack that is easily adjustable. babe can sit in it by age 3 months. it's great for walks, hikes, chores, and shopping.

Postcard from Columbia University?

Ok so today I was sent a postcard from Columbia. It was addressed to me, not my parents. Neither of my parents (or anybody in family) has attended Columbia so I am curious as to why I was sent this. A few months ago I took the PSATs and did fairly well on them. Could this be why??

What is a nun shaken is it like a num chuck and am i spelling them right?

The only thing I could find representing anything like that was this. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does Affirmative Action Policies and Racial Preferences Quotas lower expectations for blacks?

Ok. Yes, that may get you in. But I'm with the person above. At the time of graduation, it doesn't matter what color you are you have to have a certain GPA. and meet certain standards to graduate (depending on what your major is). If there is such a school that allows minorities with lower GPA.'s to graduate compared to Whites, please give me the link.

Is it tru that flip flops are bad for feet? If yes , then why ?

there are some good's and bad's with flip-flops. a good thing is that they air out your feet, but the bad thing is that there's no support for your feet.

How long will it take for my ugg boots to fully dry?

Hey I have recently cleaned my uggs with the ugg cleaner and followed proper directions in doing that, but now its a couplee hrs later and they still look wet and dark, how long will it take them to dry and will the color go back to normal? btw i have the chestnut ones. Someone pls help!

Do you think that the pundits at the FOX NEWS that plan for a 2012 run have a false sense of confidence? Why?

They are going to ratchet up the lies, and the American public will become more and more skeptical of their BS. They already blew their political load getting into the House, prematurely. Don't get too excited, c0ns.

Which is the better actor, Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis, or Mel Gibson?

Mel Gibson...Though the racist remarks he made may have hurt him career wise..The Pion of the Christ which he directed left him filthy ,rotten ,stinking rich...So he's a Rich alcoholic celebrity who has real acting and directing talent.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Should I trade Andre Johnson for Matt Ryan?

I have Reggie Wayne and Fitz with Bernard Berrian, but Schaub is my QB and I need a better one for sure

Has anyone been to Mexico in August?

My boyfriend and I are planning a vacation next month and are considering going to Playa del Carmen. I hear that it's hurricane season so I'm a little nervous about it. I hear from some that if it rains, it will usually downpour for a few hours in the afternoon and clears up at night. Has anyone been to Mexico this time of the year? How is the weather?

Should I pursue him...?

There's this guy I go to school with, and we're really cool...we even hang out after sometimes..with friends, and a few times alone...So, sometimes he tells me how beautiful I am, and how he thinks about me all the time..he calls me when he is at work..he gets almost mad or offended when I dont return his calls...but then there are other times where he talks about his ex all the time, and how much he misses her, and also talks about other females i guess what I want to know is if i should take him seriously, or just keep our friendship platonic?

How can I be confident with my looks if people think Im unattractive?

the best solution to ur problem is to look at it this way: everyone is beautiful in the eyes of their creator could be god if u believe in god or could ur parents. so wat if a bunch random people dont think ur beautiful/hot n doesnt matter you gotta put that behind you-being urself is the beauty nothing else

Looking for a village/town in Scotland OR Wales?

Listen mate I'm sorry, but I can already think of three villages/towns in ENGLAND that match that description. I am very sorry but there is absolutely no way you can find a specific village OR town in scotland OR wales with absolutely no vague idea of whereabouts it is or the hint of a name. If you were young can't you just ask the people who took you there?

Who would you rather have? Miles Austin or Roddy White?

NO! Hillis and Cadillac, but no more than that for Austin. Do not give up 3 for him. Murphy when he gets better is a great choice, not to mention Welker is a beast. I would even say give up Hillis and T.O. (while T.O. is coming off a huge game and value is up) that way he is giving up a WR and gaining one. You are right by saying u are stacked at RB. Turner is decent but not 100%, but still good. Plus you got the 2 top sleeper RB in Torain and Snelling. Good job. Now that said, I think the owner of Roddy White has more need at RB. He has very good WR and so I think your chances are better cause he can afford to get rid of and would want a high caliber RB. (sorry for the long answer)

How to overcome fear of rejection with girl I like?

Decide whether you really want to talk to her & realize that while you delay, she may find another guy who will be courageous. Rejection/ risks & dating go hand & hand. As they say, if you want to make an omelet, ya gotta break a few eggs.

Can you explain what a "true" Christian is?

The evidence is all right there: "Real" Christians are those that make Christianity look good. "Fake" Christians are sort of like the creepy uncle your mother tells you to stay away from: they're really your own flesh and blood, but no one wants to admit to it.

Question about witchcraft, wicca, wiccan?

look online for groups in your area, the reality is that wicca is no different that any other religion, just a little calmer and nicer. peace to you always

Downloading from youtube?

Firefox free plug-in downloader can help you download youtube video or you can use orbit downloader, another free YouTube video downloader.

Do you have those moments where...?

You just pause and take a break from the business of life to think? I like taking time to ponder and fathom things. There's so much enlightenment to find in it, so many great recollections of the past. It's also a way I discover philosophies and work out solutions to some problems I may have, however cheesy that sounds haha :P

My wife with consent wants me to knock her out and hypnotize. Is how can I do it without severely hurting her?

By not giving her any brain damage or worse. Also, I would like to know how to wake her up after being knock out. Thanks.

My 8 year old son wants 2 ask- whos your favourite dr., and do you prefer Rose or Martha?

When I was little I liked Tom Baker, but I really like David Tennant, as I live abroad I haven't seen Martha, but I did like Rose. My 6 year old daughter loves Doctor Who as well.

New facebook chat issue?

This isn't about chat errors or people sending me spam or anything. whenever i open a new IM window or someone IMs me on facebook, my computer freezes and my clicker changes into the way it looks when its loading something for a long time. this problem doesnt stay localized on facebook, it slows down all process on my computer, unless i close the chat or facebook. if i close the facebook window and go back to it, there are no IM windows shown even if i was chatting with someone and didnt close the specific IM before.

Hey buddy' boyfrnds birthday is on 28th of oct,he going to b of 17.wht gift can i gv hm?????hlp me .?

hey guys n mentioned above my b.f's birthday is on 28thoct n he is going to b wht can i gv hm on his… need ur hlp...................

In the movie narnia: Prince Caspian why do lucy and edmound stay in narnia but not peter and susan?

As stated above, Peter and Susan have learned all they can from Narnia. CS Lewis wrote these books as explanations of the Bible for children. At the end of the book, Aslan tells Susan and Peter that they must get to know him in their own world. Aslan, the God-figure, is telling them that they must find a relationship with God in the real world now that they have a tangible understanding of him as Aslan. Edmund and Lucy, being younger, still need this tangible God-figure in their lives.

Good birthday present for my boyfriends birthday?

Sounds good, especially if it's what he really wanted. You could also get him a silly little present to go with it, something less serious and more of a joke gift. If you guys have any inside jokes, then maybe something related to one of those. You could bake him a cake or cookies, give him a framed photo of you two or make him a scrapbook of photos and memories. I think it'd be cute to give him more of a sentimental gift too. :]

Does he like me?

im a boy and i say yes or he just thinks you are weird but seriously mean iti used to do that with a girl until she move away and now i`m doing it with who i think is the right girl and a crush is by having similar popularities not just looks

What song is this? It's from mtv teen cribs fab 15?

Ok its the number 1 from fab 15 countdown and its when theyre first showing it like right after the girl goes drumrole please. it has a song and i love it and im tryin to figure out the song so i can put it on my ipod.(not talkin bout i see you baby)

For Spanish Speakers - Can I pronound the "Spanish Y" as an "English J"?

Some Spanish speakers pronounce the Y and LL as a J sound, It is a part of their accent. Some places in South America do it. If this is not your native accent, I wouldn't do it, you will sound kinda dumb.

Synchro Deck Help/Fix?

I don't know if your basing it off of the new rules but Cyber Dragon is limited to just 1 ... Replace Upstart Goblin with Monster Reborn .. Replace Jar of greed with Mirror Force

Is it true that Elton John was considering running for President of the United States?

until someone wrote an article that said he was addicted to ism? Why can't ualists be president? Is it in the Constitution? I don't think so. Why woud guys who wore gray lady's wigs be against ists?

Who do you THINK is going to win?!?

After seeing the finale, i think i may be jumping switch and voting for....Kris. I love adam, but I would buy Kris's cd.

Black Lab hind legs problems?

My black lab puppy has trouble walkin, her back legs seem unstable and falls at times, and doesnt want to eat, but she does drink water. Anyone have any information or websites useful?

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have been following this case for a long time. And the grandparents lies. I really can't believe that the mom didn't call 911 when Caylee went missing and the deal with the babysitter. GOSH I think that the mom did something to her. I also think that the grandparnets no something about her. I really don't UNDERSTAND WHY THE MOM IS BEING SO STUPID ABOUT THIS. I AM SORRY BUT YA KNOW IF IT WAS MY KID i WOULD BE LOOKING FOR HER. Write me back and tell me your comments. PLEASE THANKS BYE or FAREWELL!!!!!!!

Fall Out Boy and All Time Low fan needs to update her playlist!?

any suggestions? they don't need to be by fall out boy or all time low, just bands like them. no screamo lol. but if u can think of any good fob or atl thats cool too lol. Thanks!

Can I get a job in Canada as production supervisor in canada.?

I have worked as an istant production manager for the last 21 years in a garment manufacturing company .Iwant to get a jod in manufacturing /prodution /operation in canada.I have a bachelor degree in chemical engineering from INDIA. The company manufactures garment for reknown customer as marks and spencer /burton/woolworths/La redoute.Gap.

Can someone explain what has been happening with Shelton Benjamin?

I very rarely watch ECW and haven't seen it since Benjamin got drafted there. I just heard he is now a face, how did this happen? Can someone tell me in as much detail as possible what has happened to him on ECW.

Your opinion on what medications hoses should run on?

With more and more people wanting horse racing to go to drug free, such as the Kentucky Derby will be now, whats your opinion on it, i've been a jockey for 20+ years and when i first started there where tons of different medications a horse could legally run on, but over the years it has slimmed down and now some people say that bute and lasics should also be illegal to run on. Do you think these people are right?

Bernard Berrian or Mohammed Maqoi as my 5th Reciever?

Which player woiuld u choose as a 5th Reciever in a standar points league? I drafted both but we drafted 16 and our site only allowed 15....Who should I keep?

What Snowboard Should I Get?

I'd go with the Premier F1. it'll be stiffer and probably more stable than the Magic. plus you get the amazing durability of Never Summer. I've heard great things about both boards but the riding style you're describing would, IMO, fit the F1 better

I don"t get this girl?

I used to talk to this girl,who thought I was cute and were talking but when she was talking with me ,she was talking with this other guy 2,and I guess she chose him over me and I knew this because she told my friend that she was talking to him and she wanted him to tell me that. so I pretty much backed off completely and I just ignore her comepletely.Now whenever I walk down the hallways I See her and she was always makes eye contact with me like she wants to say something.and a recently we were both at this cancer benefit and she took pictures of me while I was walkin with my friend.and she sent it to my other friend who was somewhere else.and she never talks to me but like she"ll like my stuff on facebook.she just confuses me.She also that type of girl who you have to msg first like all the time.Shes very outgoing and fun ,talks to alot of people.This all happened like when school was ending,and before she was official with the other guy.It confuses me because she pretty much said that she was gonna end up dating him over me but its like she wants my attention.

Can a person sell the prints from a book of prints Individually?

My father in law has a book of prints titled "Portraits From North American Indian Life" by: Edward S. Curtis. The book itself is valuable but he wants to take it apart and sell the prints separately. Can some one do that?

College algebra question?

wut?? I am in college algebra, but I do not really get your question??? I am working with quadratic equations and functions right now...

I got my tooth removed last Thursday & have since had a small lump beside where the tooth was removed...?

Since getting my tooth out theres a small lump & looks like theres a small cut on my cheek, it getting very painfull. Any idea what caused this etc thanks

So there is this young girl?

I'm a 62 year old man, married with a family, but my granddaughter has this cute young friend, she is 19 and i'm really digging her. I wanna ditch this old hag i'm with and go out with this young cutie pie. The old witch i'm with used to be great, but started to turn on me, i used to be in the Vietnam War, and I have very bad shellshock, so every once in a while to mess with me, she goes from a distance, BOOM BOOM BOOM WEEE OOO WEE OOO PATOOIE!!!! BOOM BOOM! she makes all these noises with her mouth and they make me hit the deck! And the we have is old and gross, i need a youngin' to spice up my life! So how can i convince this young babe to get with an old geezer like me?

How to get respect at work without being a /jerk? difficult co-worker? sarcastic/smart?

i have co-worker that i have helped numerous times and out of nowhere in crowds he'll disrespect me because of my height. i usually respond with nothing, because i 1. suck at comebacks 2. honestly don't want to play the game with him. the result is me feeling really crappy and all in all, it lowers my self esteem; though i don't show it at work. i want to be respected at work and i know my job fairly well, but the politics of the workplace throw me out to be a crappy worker. I really don't like to participate in the politics in the workplace because all they focus on is slandering another persons credibility, then again if you don't participate it's also possible to be outcasted because you don't agree with how another person might feel... can anyone understand? I remember seeing this book that represented exactly how i felt, how to be respected at work without being a jerk, i can't seem to find it though. if anyone can locate that for me, please. I have had a supervisor that I have completed hated, and i don't want to be nothing at all like him if / when i ever got lucky to be in a leadership position, though i don't think it'll happen. oh, and the possibility of quitting isn't there, there's no quits in the military. So if you can guide me it'd be much appreciated, thanks!

Books about teen love/??? TEN POINTS!!!!?

looking for abook about a couple that love each other and have like fully descibed scenes in the book, sort of like Forever... by judy blum or even breaking dawn , just want a really good /love story and can u sort of summarize t he book like what its about THNK U!!

Help with my 11 month old's diet?

You should try giving him whatyou eat now. Trust me, he will love it! And at his age he can gum up almost anything. I too, was very paranoid about giving my 10 month old anything but pureed food but now he loves it! Especially bread! Try giving him the steamed veggies cut up real small, he will gum them and eat them, same with chicken, pasta, cheese, etc. Also, try giving him a grilled cheese sandwich, just cut off small pieces of the sandwich, roll em up into a lil ball in between your fingers and watch how he will love it! After I tried that with my son, whenever he saw me try to feed him the pureed food off a spoon, he would cry cus he wanted "real" food.

Looking for a certain brain teaser puzzle/toy???

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a brain teaser puzzle/toy is and where I can get one. It's in the shape of a circle and on the top are all these pegs that stand up. The object of the game is that you need to keep on pushing out the pegs to the outside edge of the puzzle and back in vice/versa to get what looks to be triangles all on the outside and than when all the black triangles are all out they form like a ring around the puzzle, than you have to push all the pegs around to get those triangles back into the game. Hopefully someone knows what this game is called and I'm sorry if I confused you with this question. Its kind of hard to explain a mind teaser game!!

Will this damage my hair?

No. Not as badly as if you did it everyday without a protector. Also, apparently when you straighten your hair, it takes out the natural oils which in a way can increase hair growth. Just a fun fact, I'm not sure if it works! hope this helps!

Is it true that the Electoral College forces the US to only have two real political parties?

No.... but in a way it discourages third party participation. Since most states are winner take all unless a third party candidate can win a majority of votes in a state they will get zero electoral votes. Case in Point: Clinton vs Bush: Ross Perot received 19% of the popular vote and zero electoral votes. Clinton was elected despite receiving only 43% of the popular vote. The victory appeared lopsided because Clinton won 32 states and DC for 370 electoral well over the 270 majority required. With the current electoral college make up it is unlikely there will never be a successful third party candidate.

Whay did u think of the Ben Counsins doc?

I didn't realise it was this much of a problem for him, now that all has been revealed - I don't think the AFL was very supportive

Where oh where would Sweet Judy see the best live Theater?

OMG, undoubtedly the answer is Amsterdam. You wouldn't believe your eyes. There is no live theater like it.

Who do you think will win the series miami heat or dallas mavericks?

Mavs have the edge right now, the Heat aren't playing good at the end of games and can't close out. Plays to the Mavericks favor. Unless the Heat show me other wise and win game 6, this series is over next game.

Why is there so much ranting and hate in the y/a politics section? Does it seem to be getting worse?

Yes, I think it is getting worse. It seems like it is getting harder to find interesting, serious questions anymore.

Would we all be better if we did not hold to the custom of having to have a variety in three meals a day?

By that I mean that perhaps a single dish meal is better able to nourish with it's content. Multi course meals cause us to eat more. There are exceptions, as when preparing a garden salad, stew, or soup. a lot of us will want a 'meat' of some sort with every meal and have become spoiled to tradition.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Black American soldiers during World War II:?

a. often recognized the paradox of fighting for freedom when they enjoyed little freedom in the United States.

Sizing help for American Apparel F497 Flex Fleece Hoody?

My girlfriend wants two of these, but I don't know what size to get her. She is 5'1, 115 lbs, 34C. She wants a nice snug fit, not too loose or too tight (nor too long either). Should I get her the XS or the XXS?

Jehovah's Witness opposers: How will things progress?

As I said in my original answer to 'Tears', Satan uses what works and people, even Witnesses, fall into his snares everyday. As for those who are not or never were Witnesses, if their heart condition isn't such that they are meek and teachable, (re: this weekends study article) it doesn't really matter what lies they are told through whatever source. However, many are able to see right through these attacks, and recognize the Truth when they see it, and join with us in serving Jehovah! So, no, I don't think the internet and media have that much of an effect on public opinion this late in this time of the end. People have made their choice, mostly through word of mouth, or their religions, by this point in time.

The 9/11 truth movement. Why has the government not commented on these allegations? How can they ignore This?!

You have this Bold 9/11 Truth movement with actual testomonies and supporters and "evidence" who make such claims as That Bush Knew of the attacks before they happned, That theres no way that thease planes could of taken down the towers w/o other sabatage at large, wheres the missing Gold?, Was the pennsilvenia plane broght down or shot down? Why was all the footage from the pentegon crash confined? Why was there no evidence of a plane at all found in the wreckage at the pentegon? Thease questions and loose ends go on and on... and Our goverment has yet to comment, has yet to shoot down thease allegations, they only action that was chosen was to choose to pretend that there is no such allegations and hope they go away. It gives the impersonation of guilt, and raises even the most sceptical's eyebrow. The only replays I've seem have been of The towers repeaditly in what now seems is in order stimulate anger and sympathy to stimulate support for W's war.. Why has this been ignored?

What did you do for the last millenium?

Bet I can. I babysat so my brother could go out to a big party, his dog bit the kid from next door, one of my nephews set one of those huge fireworks off by mistake (so he said) in the kitchen and nearly burnt it down, my other nephew found his dads secret stash of larger and vomited all over me and my brother bawled me out when he got home so we had a mive argument and have never spoken since, great start to my new millennium.

What do you think we should do...?

Calculate the mortgage interest versus the rent you could be paying and realize that when people make money off real estate...they don't pay mortgage interest...they pay cash.

Colts cheating again? What is this about Dungy and Fisher having an agreement in the game last sunday?

Manipulating who they play in the playoffs is a form of cheating no matter who does it or not. Its disgusting really they should ban indy from the playoffs.

Does physical appearance matters in love?

first u propose her 2 know ur her jogging,cycling to reduce weight n gym is these exercises though she accept ur love. because ur health is more important than ur love i hope.first thk of ur health n then love ok if she rejects u then no doubt she is nt a girl of pure heart as she want physic n not love.... any way ...all the best

Why haven't we found any evidence of Extra-terrestrial life? (Fermi paradox)?

First of all, I don't want answers about any government-UFO cover ups. I mostly want to see the "Fermi Paradox" addressed. I'm a little confused as to what is the most acceptable to this paradox. Is it because civilizations eventually destroy themselves? or because of advanced technology (such as digital frequencies) that make them hard to detect? or is the chance of life occurring just simply impossible? Is there any other reasons that could be behind this paradox?

Hypotheticlly, say the Michigan Wolverines go undefeated. Are they in the BCS championship?

They would get in but only because they're Michigan. If it was MSU, N'western or Purdue, they would have to settle for the Rose Bowl.

Is Green Bay really 4 hours away from Chicago?

I am from Chicago and never been to Green Bay. I heard it wa 4 hours away? I heard this when they said they would be down here to watch the Bears-Packer game. How many miles is it? Go Bears!

Can any one translate this for me? I ume it is German?

It must be slurred because some things are not changing. is the prerequisite for doing derwille and the courage to truthfulness, approved Alleinverkdut AD trump. Dusseldorf, first, by the Fuhrer and the line for very rich considered good, according to studies, natural crafted badge. Your welcome!

Do you think Marion Cotillard is pretty...?

Yeah, and she was so cool in Inception. If anyone hasn't seen it, you have to! If someone said I looked like her, it'd be kinda weird because I'm black. Maybe if they said like a black version, haha, but yeah I'd take it as a compliment.

FANTASY baseball: What do you think of my team? Grade it.?

It's impossible to tell BECAUSE the league is too shallow. The teams are so similar because there are so few, it's anybody's league for the taking.

Are these players all bust?

Lots of players are guilty of being good and having to play on bad teams.Bush has had a decent career.McFadden also.

What kind of nudity was in the movie Bruno?

Go to this site: Scroll down and you'll see the movie Bruno. Click on it and you'll read all the inappropriate parts in the movie. But I must warn you, it's pretty graphic!

Junior USTA tennis player looking for helpful/needed advice: please help! (Any advice is welcomed!)?

I am a tennis player who needs some..."advice(?)" on how I should work out and eat. My mom is my 'Dietary Coach/ Nutritionist' and my step-dad is my tennis coach. (I have an actual tennis coach though.) Anyways, I need some help figuring out an excercise routine and things to eat. I LOVE workingout, it's like eating a favorite food or getting $1,000,000 for me! So, I can do anything that doesn't involve a gym or a ton of money. I'm not old enough to go to a gym yet (get a membership or get in...i'm 15!) I currently do 60 situps a day at once, 15 pushups a day at once, and airplanes...I have 2 two pound weights (blech, my mom won't let me get new dumbbells) and we have a treadmill. I plan to go pro so a new exercise routing would be great, as would a new meal plan. I only eat things like broccoli, cauliflower, bananas, wholewheat anything, unfrosted poptarts and literally 'rice' cereal. (Healthy food like that are mostly my thing, I don't drink sodas or eat sweets and candy, and I don't like ice cream...or chocolate, etc.) So, if you have any advice i'd love to know!

Is this a great way to apologize to a girl? we were good friends?

That is the sweetest thing that someone could do... Thats a really great apology!!!! I know she will love it..My best friend said sorry to me givin me a flower and a balloon. and i accepted his apology

Should v b physically fit for tech branch in airforce?

hi im doin comp engineering..i wish to join as tech branch officer in airforce..i knw all about EKT exam. but my ques is is it physically strenuous to train for this post??

How can i save money ??

If you want to know how to make capital on the internet realistically with swiftness you might want to see this..

What do you REALLY think of the Kirby vacuum cleaner?

I have known about Kirby vacuums forever...My grandmother had a Heritage 84, which was ped down to my aunt and is still running smooth. But here's my question...are they all they are cracked up to be? I don't mind the changing attachments or buying a more expensive bag, but do they honestly clean better than an average Hoover upright from Wal-Mart?

Washington DC Area Hotels?

The area the comfort inn NY ave is in isn't a bad area, but the hotel itself isn't a good one. It's more of an after club type of spot. The neighborhood its in is by warehouses and nightclubs and doesn't offer much. Further down the street is a marriott and a holiday inn express. Both are fairly new hotels and are pretty reasonably priced. There's not anything to do in that area but there are fast food places. Both those hotels also offer a shuttle, parking - for a fee and breakfast. The Marriott also has a few other properties that you may want to consider like NY ave metro, navy yard, and old town alexandria. Another hotel to try is the Days Inn on Connecticut Ave. It's in an excellent area and is close to the metro. Also if you have AAA, all these hotels offer discounted rates.

Who experienced this and actually been pregnant?

who had took a hpt and got a super faint + and the 2nd line was almost invisble grayish with a ting of color and been pregnant? and how many days after that test where you before you got a clear bfp?

Do you agree that we should never join the EURO currency(UK)?

We should do far much more than never adopt the Euro, we should get the hell out of the EU right now before we are dragged down into the mire it is rapidly approaching. Their smaller countries being dependent on Germany and France are obviously on a good thing but anyone with an ounce of common sense will realise that the Greek factor will eventually come their way. We Brits don't need this European shackle around our necks, we have the British Commonwealth of Nations a much stronger, resilient and supportive organisation. One other small point. If the International language of business and transportation is English, what advantage is there for our ordinary people in joining up with foreign countries with whom we have nothing in common?

What is the best way to start up an LLC? (Which website, company, etc) ?

Want to start an LLC and would like to hear some people's opinions/experience on what/how to do it and where to go. Also, how to get licensed in multiple states.

What is this song called?

I heard this song on Alternative Nation on Sirius satellite radio but I can't seem to find it. the only lyric I remember is "Why cant you just love me back?" and then it repeats "I'm just not over you" a bunch. PS I already checked Carolina Liar so don't put that as an answer.

Current status of Millbrae-SFO transit? (airport)?

Did they stop the shuttle bus? Did they stop the train? So now the ONLY way to get from the Millbrae BART/Caltrains station to the airport is to go up to San Bruno then back the other way, down to SFO? Anybody? Thanks!

What is on your favourite sandwich?

My favourite sandwich is Kraft Peanut er and regular Schwartz Mustard. MMMMM. Try it, the salty sticky peanut er and the tart moist mustard just seem to go together!

Looking for some new music?

im looking for like a popish-rock group, that doesnt songs about love and relationships, but nothing like spice girls or boy bands, like the veronicas is one of my favorite bands something like that. any help?

So i have a prego promblem?

Yesterday in Latin cl, instead of doing Latin, i wrote a sign that said "Follow me to Narnia!" and placed it on the chair in front of her. The boy who sat there leaned back heavily and the sign stuck to his back. He walked around school all day with people following him to his cles- he had no idea.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Error 4280 still lurking in iTunes v8. Tried all posted remedies - no luck. Any additl help welcomed.?

One ques - for the standard code change recommendation in the CD Config file, do you delete all the other characters after NOSENDOPC?

Is it just in my head 3 test now all neg?

had a lighter period with no clots like i do usual TMI! sorry also period was stopping and starting and turned very watery since then i have had nausea sore horrible metallic taste in mouth fatigue pulling in lower abdomen also fells like i have a ball in lower abdomen its such a weird feeling gone off smoking which i have smoked for past 10 yrs done to hpt both neg also i have a blue vein thats appeared on my right nipple going out of my mind been to doc he doing another urine test then going to do a blood test to check prolactin levels if urine test is neg any ideas whats going on is it possible to make your body do all these symptoms?just had urine test results back from docs and it says neg not how my body feels am i going mad?

Can anyone give me advice about seeking child support?

my niece is 11 and never recognized by her dad. we know the mans name and the military base where he is stationed but..when we went to the state to have him start paying child support they said they needed his social security num. which i think is ridiculous cause thats not public knowledge .(i thought that was their job). what do we do?

Suggest me few names of computer institute?

How about this: VISUALGRAPHICS DESIGN LEARNING AND TRAINING CENTER or just VISUALGRAPHICS DESIGN CENTER. This is very appropriate if you intend to focus on this area only. But this would limit you to expand later into another area related to computer studies. So this may be good: VISUALGRAPHICS DESIGN & IT TRAINING CENTER. Hope it helps.

What vegetable is growing in my garden?

We had a vine overtake our garden a month or two ago. A vegetable of some type is growing. One single plant has now almost taken over a 12' X 12' garden. A squash or zucchini is what we think it is. It is striped like a watermelon, but long like a zucchini. It is thinner at the top, going to a more bulb shape at the bottom. Any ideas?

Children and Genitalia Don't Mix!!!!!?

Kittty its the sings of time, the decay of Humanity, the degradation of the human race and all of what is intelligence, I will suggest to search with in the young generations and make a group or a website, in which can problem can become an issue I do believed Children's are the future of humanity, and i'm willing to help with all of what I have although the idea need to come from the new generation, a group, with strong ties to what humanity is all about, which to my is a heavenly creation God made to be practice in the material Body, and in the material world. God is around to help, and I'm sure many peoples of my own generation, will be willing also to participate, perhaps its time that children's listen to the words of jesus "Children's will own this world".

How many Baht in a Tuk-Tuk from Hualampong Train Station to Khao San Road in Bangkok?

How much should my girlfriend and I pay in baht from the Central Station in Bangkok to Khao San Road in a tuk-tuk (each with backpack)?? I've done it before (I know it will be a little crowded with the backpacks though more atmospheric than a taxi) but not in a 3-4 years. I'm a good bargainer but I need to know the lowest price they'll take. The tuk-tuk drivers by the station are usually the toughest to negotiate so thanks for your help!


Team 1, even though team two prolly has the best rbs in the league. A trade of any of the 4 for a better qb would make his team the better one.

Pick 1 flex spot starter...?

pick 1 to start flex to start, i have brandon jackson in the flex, but he is playing the jets, should i put in deion branch, cadillac williams, nate burleson, anthony gonzalez, or just leave jackson in??? thanks...

Can anyone really call India a democracy?

1 Billion and counting,run by the elite billionaires with 90% of the populace illiterate peasants,democracy ,oh really?

Why Arizona is Nazi state?

aha... it appears that we have an epidemic sweeping the country... LLS,liberal lemming syndrome, that focuses on Arizona.

How long does state farm take to settle a claim?

Usually about three months after the full healing has taken place . . . so if there were severe injuries, or you're looking at rehab/therapy, it could easily go 18 months.

Is my child autistic (or have an autistic disorder)?

He does show some points of being a mild autistic but he is still young and their are many possibilities. I recommend you get him esed by a proffesional.

Can our mother host my sister's bridal shower?

I have heard that it is not proper etiquette for the mother of the bride to host a bridal shower but I feel in this case it is perfectly fine considering my sister and my mother truly are best friends. My mother is convinced that we can't give credit to her even though she is doing a lot of the work and providing a lot of ideas and monetary offerings towards the shower. What do you guys and gals think?

Is vinegar a good conductor of electricity?

Vinegar is 6 to 8% acetic acid(CH3COOH).Acetic acid is a weak acid it does ionise completely in water hence it is a weak electrolyte.

A Question About Christianity, The Planet Of The Apes And Evolution?

If any of us were to go into the future and crash land on the Planet Of The Apes would we find them more likely, or less likely, willing to teach evolution or creationism?

I have a 1973 half penny and a 1928 one penny, are they worth anything?

i have two old bronze coins and wanted to know if they were worth anything? 1973 new half penny and a 1928 one penny also have a bronze owl ornament and a bronze little boy holding his willy ornament are they worth anything?

Is the Buddhist view of the 'self' more problematic than the Hindu view of the 'self'?

Neuroscience seems to be showing us there is no real permanent self, so I would say Buddhism was more on the right track.

How can i install windows xp on another PC after registration?

I previously installed windows xp on one of my PC's but the sys. wasn't compatible. "Out dated motherboard " Can i get a new product key after registration?

Is it okay to put suggestive dialougue in YA novels?

I mean someone told me it wasn't but however I've read plenty of YA books including Gossip GIrl and The A-List that do have suggestive dialog and language including stating that someone is having oral so don't get why it won't be okay. I'm asking cause one of my characters are going to be promiscuous and by the end of the series none of them are going to be virgins and I want to put detail in. Granted I know I can't do it in a down and dirty way like a romance novel but more of the line of "She unoned his pants and got on her knees and did what she knows she does best" That's the exact line from a part in my book. Is it apporiate or should I change it?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I the only onr who doesn't believe in this "Illuminati" rubbish?

Honestly, the Illuminati seems to be a conspiracy theorist's answer to the Antichrist. It's a bit farfetched. Sure, there is evil in this world, but there is more good than evil.

Ramadan? muslim what does mean in the Quran to be people of the Book?

I am not against islam but reading about islam.. it says it's a religion that is superior to others, so the people of the book are inferior that's the reason they were obligated to pay yizia or to fight under an islamic state? or what does mean in many senses to be people of the book.. a christian and jewish? and honestly.. I don't get why do some muslims say catholics are not people of the book.. because we are trinitarians, I guess prophet muhammad knows about us before those unitarians or another sect because God explains him. he wasn't a trinity in the Quran as far as I understood.. so I guess the prophet knew about catholicism and what we believe but returning back what does mean to be people of the book and who are them and can you identify them nowadays?

Football Help...for RB..?

Trust me on this one. Go with Slaton, Hillis and Hightower. Pittsburgh D is #1 plus Barber is a lil banged up. Slaton is a beast who will not share anymore time with A. Green, plus he busted out the gates on Monday night. Hillis has also been a beast plus theyre playing the god awful Chiefs D. Im not a fan of Hightower. I think hes mediocre but going up against the Rams will make him look like Jim Brown.

Pick two: Rice, Hillis, Blount?

Usually, I would say Rice and Hillis since Blount is mediocre, but with Blount's favorable matchup, I would say take Blount and Hillis.

A girl grabbed my...?

You need to keep a distance from her, and try to avoid her if it is annoying you. She probably really fancies you, but is obviously showing it in an unusual way, and doesn't realise it's scaring you off! I reckon she thinks she can keep you hanging back for as long as possible, to see if you react and make a move towards her. She probably thinks or maybe just wants you to like her back, and so is playing hard to get in.. a physical way

What is an example of a paradox in pop culture?

a kid does great in school his whole life and gets a 1450 on his SAT's and then goes onto become homless

Poem... help?

Day after day instead of dreary day no happy release change it to no happiness is released no trusted loved ones to lead the way change it to no trusted loved ones to show me the way your alone instead of you're alone fear soon overtakes instead fears seems to be fate as panic comes as i awake.God what have i done , As its a struggle to live but death seems to eventually will and have to give. How i feel now is my brain is numb. I feel the brush gently of the angels wings time of death comes it takes me away, rest is good

Green Card "Biographic"?

Include the correct one.If USCIS will ask you for the original or the one with error then that's when you will furnish them the copy of it.

Just list some good songs..plz?

Okay I like a lot of rock, alternative, and some rap. like my Favorite bands are Red Hot chilli peppers, Foo Fighters Smashing Pumpkins, and a bunch of random bands.

Feeling Depressed and Lonely from cross country...Help?

When I was little, I wasn't the type that made a lot of friends; I was this tomboy like girl that loved all these boy clothes, but right now I'm mostly like a girl except that I like a few anime cartoons. My sister caused me to have no friends during fourth and the rest of the grades beyond since she would tell how disgusting I am. She would also spread rumors about the fights we have and tell everyone that I'm such a boy. Thus, I started to feel no emotion throughout my life and I tried to resolve this by joining cross country in seventh and eighth grade. I had a friend or two on my seventh and eighth grade cross country team, but my sister pretty much sealed the gap between my life of earning any friends. I was powerless and getting a guidance counselor to help didn't seem to stop her actions. She was the popular and I was a mere spec before her dictatorship over me. Currently, I'm a freshman cross country runner, but in practice, people treat me cruelly only the seniors are actually nice to me. My sister manipulates all of the sopres, which there composes about half our team, and tells them how disgusting I am and all the other fights we have. She ensures that I gain no friends, and each day is a struggle when my coach tells us to pair up with someone for a free run, and no one will accept me. I try to talk, but I don't go out much and I have no social life due to the fact that after my sister had done no one liked me. My friends I have right now, I'm too embarred to have them come over since she would just make fun of me and of my friends. I love running, but it's really hard when you have no friends on the xc team and they make of you. I had a pion for running, but it seems like its all gone; it feels like I just wanna quit due to the fact of me having no friends. When I try to interact with people, they all think I'm weird and they can't accept me for myself. They go as far as asking "Who are your friends?" and my sister would say "she has no friends" and laugh. All the freshman love her and everyone hates me. No one seems to understand, and I hate quitting something that I have pion for.

Why did the Pilgrims think Plymouth Bay was a good place to buid their colony?

They didn't, really. It happened to be where they landed. It was not a good place for growing crops, and the weather was harsh, especially in winter. However, because the journey to America had been dangerous, and so many people had gotten very ill and died, they were simply grateful to be on land. They survived because they were aided by Native Americans, and with the arrival of more people, the colonies began to grow into large settlements.

Recconmendation Question for Pepperdine?

Yes. If you got those two letters of rec, you would be fine. If you don't mind, would you please shoot me over an email.

Who here would be willing to go on one of "Virgin Galactics" new spaceships if they were given a ticket?

Would you feel unsafe, would you like the fact you had a chance to, would it not interest you? Its for my science case study, please answer so i can make it into a graph...

What is my chance of being a National Merit Finalist?

well i will say based on ya acadamics, u will make it. ba if your mind is nt certain on that, then probably u should start prayn.

A sample of ethanol (ethyl alcohol), C2H5OH, contains 6.7 1023 hydrogen atoms. How many C2H5OH molecules are?

There are 6 H atoms for every one Ethanol atom, so divide that 6.7x10^23 by 6 and you will have your answer.

Based on the legal condition in the US of separation of church and state how do evangelicals?

They don't. They are just spewing venom to ensure the fanatics stay the course. There is no war on Christmas, just a war on intelligence funded by the right wing and their loudmouth minions on radio and TV.

Super street fighter 4 used ps3 game from gamestop not working?

i just got a used super street fighter 4 from gamestop in the mail today, but sadly it doesn't seem to quite work right, for some odd reason it goes to a black screen right after showing capcom and the other companys and doesnt load. is there anything i can do to fix this? I don't want to return it if i don't have to.

What's your view on racism?

I think it depends on the effects. Comedians make fun of stereotypes. Stereotypes have some truth to them but it's a generalization. Intelligent people are aware of this and realize that you have to take people as individuals. I don't think comics are racist in general. I think they are just trying to find humor wherever it exists.

For those who want to correct my grammer!?

First and foremost, I'm intelligent I don't need nobody to correct my english or grammatical errors. I did went to school aright so don't do it I'm intelligent enough. I'm not trying to be on race tip but I'm blace okay I don't not speak proper and etiquette that's not me. Well if you don't understand what I'm saying go get a Websters Urban dictionary it'll probably help you. This the internet who gives a f___ about being proper diction or grammer. I only do the proper etiquette thing on the job or speaking to formal people. So if you too slow to figure me catch the bus!!! Ayo Ayo Ayo Ayo dig it!! Us Black folk just express ourselves different!! So do any of you like what I said?

Another UPS Store question.?

I live in Canada. So I want USD (US Dollar), can they exchange it for my CAD (Canadian dollar)? Or in money orders, can they send USD?

What do you wear with white capris?

Well a nice, dressed up pair of flip flops looks good, maybe kitten heels. I wouldn't venture to say flats. But if you found the right pair maybe. Canvas shoes might be cute. Red always looks good with white.

Can a LLC claim health insurance payments (COBRA) as an expense? Family amt deductible or just individual?

The LLC is comprised of only me (the owner, president, etc.). I was paying COBRA for me and my two children.

What do u think of these wrestlers as teachers?

lol that sounds like one of those promo themes, like the last hot dog one from summerslam 2006. Ignoring the fact that it's weirdly outrageous, that's a very interesting idea. I'd change RE to Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy to maths (he said in an interview I read that it was his favourite subject at school), Triple H can become the other PE teacher (he can teach sports and Kelly Kelly can teach gym). Jericho can teach English instead, what with his fondness of long words. I'm nt sure about Kane teaching Science, but I don't think he'll have much trouble controlling the cl...

Can food grade diatomaceous earth kill a dog if ingested? ?

Im going to treat my home with this natural product because i have found fleas not an infestation but thats what i want to prevent. I dont want to use any chemicals thats why ive chose this method. Now ive read gardeners use this natural remedie to get rid of bugs in their plants and it works very well, ive also read that its used to deworm dogs but thats not my goal i dewormed my dog already. So if you ever done this i would like your help. Please save your comments if its not answering my question and dont tell me get an exterminator because i chose not to alredy as i sai i dont want to use chemicals i dont use chemicals i use everything organic. Thanks!

How to prevent people messing with my PC ?

a smart alec visits me and he changes various default programs and user refinements when i am away from my room . is there any easy to use desktop lock program ( freeware ) ? please this bugger is killing me ........i live in a college and i do not want to set up a separate user account etc

Im crying and I need your help please. I don't understand!?

You need to be stronger and stand up for yourself, you deserve better than that, don't give him the dignity of letting him get to you. Don't go back out with abusive people.

How can I get over the bitterness in my heart?

I am so angry with men right now it frightens me. To me it seems like they're always damn sorry for cheating or lying or doing something to hurt a good, honest female. I hear a lot of men saying "oh I want to find that right girl, but when they do find her e they just through it away or mistreat her. I don't get it and I'm to the point of thinking well why be the good girl that everyy guy wants, but doesn't know how to handle or treat right? I might as well just retired and say F-it but I dont want to be bitter....hmmmm any advice?

Name of this Australian song?

IM not sure but you can download the video and use an audio extractor if you were thinking about downloading the song

How common are respiratory infections in tortoises?

it is pretty common and is easily treated, i would think that the fact your tortoises got sick so soon after you brought them it is a problem the store has, they do not have their set up right and if they are keeping a lot of tortoises together then something like this will spread like wildfire through the tortoises, it does not sound like the store is caring for the tortoises very well, the problems with Greek tortoises is they are quite sensitive to change, and if she was not at full strength when you got her the stress of moving environments and the worms can make her stressed, i don't think it is anything you have done just bad husbandry at the store, respiratory infections are quite common and are usually the result of incorrect temps and enclosures and a poor diet, it is lucky you have obviously done your research on tortoises and picked it up quick, your tortoises are the lucky ones, if you intend to get any more tortoises i would find another place to get them the store where you get them don't sound like they know how to care for tortoises very well, the good thing is your tortoises are fit now keep up the good work best of luck


i am seriously intrested in starting a company. i am only 16 but it's good too start early right? I want to start a company that desings and manufactures high quality electronic products. i have an abundance of knowledge regarding electronics. ive already designed a portable music player and some speakers(serious ones that will actually work). i know ill have to have a location and equipment, but i dont know how to do the books. like patening process, regestring the name, regestirng products, trademarking phrases,etc. if you have any advice let me know.thx.

Plz help me !!! I really need help?

using half reaction for the oxidation of NH3 to N2 and the reduction of Cl2 to Cl-, write a balance equation for nitrogen removal by breakpoint chlorination.

What to do and wear in Billings, Montana in July?

I am going to Billings, Montana next week with my husband for a motorcycle event. I am a beach person from FL and definitely not a biker type so no black leather for me. I worked in Neb. 20 years ago for a few months in Chadron so that is my only knowledge of the fashion in that section of the country. What should I pack --I can wear jeans and boots if I have to, but that ensemble is not the most comfortable in warm weather, and I don't want to look like a hick if fashion has progressed any there in the past 20 years. I had hoped to go white water rafting, but my husband said that there are no places to do that near Billings. We will have a car and will be there for 4 days. (I do not camp out!) I do, however, know how to two step and country swing. So, what's the nicest restaurant in town that is not stupidly expensive, where can I go dancing, and what is the recommended daytime and evening dress? I don't need to look like a local, but I don't want to be inappropriate or too cold or too hot. What is the one don't- miss-attraction?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What album does "To make you feel my love" by kelly clarkson appear on?

I heard the song on the radio, and I absolutely loved it! I'm trying to find the album but I can't :(

Hey everyone, can you guys please help me?

Some creeper insists on just staring at you all the time, and even after you said that you'd kiss him if he got to know you and he just went back to staring, and you're more worried about saying hi to him?

Would you say I'm rich?

Yes you are rich . If you think people are richer than you it's because you go to an expensive school where only rich or very rich families send their kids.

What is the process of a depression screening test?

the only way thew will send you to a hospital is you attempt suicide. The screening is where they ask you a lot of questions.

Anyone know of free software downloads for a samsung blackjack II phone.?

I looked online and found a few things here and there but most were lame and unable to install onto my phone. If anyone knows of any decent apps and possibly tell me how to install them onto my phone that'd be great.

How can I Promote my website to the people who love traveling?

try contacting a href="" rel="nofollow" seems like a dedicated site for sri lankan tour operators to load their tour packages to get free publicity

Which iodine protects again liver damage if you are exposed to radiation?

I read some years ago that iodine does this. I have potium iodide and Lugol's iodine. Does either of these protect your liver from damage from radiation exposure? I know how to use Lugol's, but I've lost the instructions for the potium iodide. (I bought it 10 years ago when I read about this.) If neither of these is the right iodine, which one is and how do I use it?

What is the Fairness Doctrine?

Fairness Doctrine or not I don't trust the media especially when it comes to omission.Hate speech is better address than just pushed aside . No free speech is a pillar of our government . The right to dissent is not traitorous either ,as Bush has espoused. I only wish the people had better access and were better informed .

Pendulum Displacement Problem?

A 20g rifle bullet traveling 200 m/s buries itself in a 3.8 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.8 m lon, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the vertical and horizontal components of the pendulum's maximum displacement.

Christians, how can I help you get past intelligent design?

It's all been said before..... why waste your time? I will not waste my time trying to convince you that God exists. You have the right to believe and live as you see fit. God gives all men that right, so who am I to take that away from you? In the same light, who are you?

Who would you vote for president in 2012.?

10. Barack Obama. He's done a pretty good job with his first term. I'd rather give him a second than take my chances on any of the others.

Asking questions on here is opening a minefield for sarcasm the answers I received are so cynical?

I think the best thing to do is keep an open mind. That way it doesn't annoy you in anyway when you get silly answers. They may even make you laugh.

How can i make my 1996 Honda prelude faster?

I have a 96 prelude. I recently got new headers and a cold air intake. Its a 5 speed. Its a pretty fast car considering that i left an 06 mustang on interstate. But, i want it to be faster. Is there anything i can do? Some guys from school were telling me to put a new 4 cylinder engine in it. But i kinda like the one i got. So what can i do to make it faster? It's not a v-tech. i have considered getting a turbo and putting in it, but i dont know any good kinds.

Could I be a Teenage Model for like Kohls, JCPennys, maybe Forever 21?

Well I haven't done major modeling but my friend is an non important actor! I know she has at least two agents in two diff. cities! You should probably get an agent because it's helpful to have one!

Did NASCAR rush the COT into competition?

NASCAR may have BUT it was at the request of all the team owners and NASCAR went ahead and ushered it in. So in a way, we can't blame NASCAR for this. So yeah, some/most of the races have been real snoozers this year; but who knows it could get better right??? Please tell me it'll get better! Oh, Indianapolis how you have cut me!!

What would you recomend on buying, a 91 honda prelude sr, or a 95 eagle talon?

if you want something quick get the talon , if you want reliable get the honda. in general. i dont like lemons but hondas are usually good cars. eagles, not so much, but when the tsi talons run, they are quik. if you get it., check the oil and look around the valve cover under the oil cap, aswell as the rockers and see if you see oil sludge. thats not a good sign in a turbo car. because sludge lowers oil pressure and those turbo cars need good oil pressure to keep cool. without it they burn up, esp when people haul somewhere and cut the car off with a hot turbo and cook the oil in it. you should be able to tell signs of this by looking where i talked about may just be a coincidence but if they dont take care of their oil you can tell and you dont want it.

Do you remember Aztec Bars?

Potato Puffs? Chicken Thins? all taken off the market quite some years ago - I remember them well I wonder why they were taken off the market

Trade Kyle Orton and get Ryan Matthews?

You can get more for Orton than Ryan Matthews. Try to shop him a bit more and see if you can get someone better in return.

Is the comedian pj gallagher gay?

hi i read in wikipedia that the irish comedian pj gallagher is gay, does anyone no if this is true or false??

A boy asking your bra size when you don't even know him?

Inappropriate! and Pervert! Are the two words that come to mind. He is probably some grown perverted freak surfing the net looking for unsuspecting victims.

How can I lose weight ?

Eat healthy and get exercise. Do some fun activities (sports, wii, swimming, whatevs) and eat tasteful foods.. diet doesn't have to be synonymous with bland.

Can anyone tell me approximately how much it might cost to have a Plymouth Voyager van repainted?

I really like a Plymouth van but hate the color, and I have no idea how much it might cost to have it repainted. If anyone knows, please tell me! Thanks in advance.

I am trying to install a laptop but my computer says I have no Drive D: I HAVE had one! Any suggestions?

We got a laptop and the installation CD will not play in my Drive D because my computer keeps saying "No Drive D" when I try to Run it. Any clue how to get back a drive I KNOW that I had. When I play CDs on Windows Media Player, this is the drive I put it in. Can we maybe copy it to Drive A and use that or something? I'm rather computer illiterate, but I do know that we were able to use drive D in the past.

problem? He couldn't perform?

My new bf knows that my ex was well-endowed, cuz we were friends long before going out, so he kinda knows the details between me and my ex. I told him a long time ago that my ex was the best i ever had. So when me and my new bf tried to have , he wilted away...He claimed it was just cuz of job stress.. If a guy knows that his gf's ex was "the best," would that put a lot of pressure on him to perform well? What should i do to help him?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My 5 year old is having pains in her legs, doc said it's growing pains?

She was just having the pain at bed time. So bad she would cry. I kept trying to stretch them and mage them, nothing helped. Now it is happening more often. The doc said it's growing pains. The only thing that helps is like icy hot or biofreeze. Now she is having pain at school and I can't give her tylenol everyday, nor go and pick her up. So as I put the pieces together, it seems that when she is more active like gym or recess or playing outside and she comes in and sits down, that is when it hurts. Anyone have any ideas to take this pain away? None of these stretches are working. Doc said we just have to deal with it till it goes away and that could be a couple of years!!!! Help! Anyone have any answers? Anything??? Thanks

Getting concrete pool deck done what do I need to look our for?

I would leave a little space at the pool to allow for some shifting (fill in later with a quality rubber caulk). I would dig footings below the frostline to help guard against shifting. Lay out a gravel/sand base to lay the slab on. Lastly, make certain you have a slight slope in two directions so that water (rain and cleaning) do not run into the pool. Good luck.

Was raphael sanzio one of the names in the ninja turtles?

im doing a social project on the artists at the time of the renaissance, and my teacher told me i could use only 1 of the ninja turtles. i know leonardo is one of them, but i dont know if raphael SANZIO is. please tell me =]

I have a question?

in two years i have went from a literal credit score of zero because i was cash and carry all my life till now to by expieran a score of 603 i would like to get into a better home for my family and a lender told me they could work with the score as is. how tru would that be

Can my motherboard support a Northwood?

It depends on the motherboard. You'll need to look at the manual if it can support a better CPU. If you don't have a manual, check the computer or motherboard manufacturer's website for information.

I wish to add recessed lights to my living room, but how do i go about mounting a wall on/off switch?

The living room has four outlets, I'am stuck on how to run a line. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

How to get back at someone?

i want to get revenge on this 3 girls that decided to put a embaracing photo of me on facebook, i know iknow, its not abig deal, the thing is, i first took it as a joke, but by their coments they seemed so proud of themselves it maked me sick, i can live with it, but how did they dare! i hate that kind of stuff, theyre all goodytoo shoes, but in reality theyre backstabing little bitches. btw one of them used to be close friends with me , but we grew apart this last year, how could she do that? And i bet theyll get away with it because theyre so nerdy and inocent, guess what i may be a ***** sometimes put at least im honest about it , me and my friends dont go and pretend were freaking saint because we arent. So i want to get back at them, not like big time, theyre not worth it, i just want to remind them they shouldnt be bitchy whith me. Im not a bad person, but i just cant be still watching those stupid girls thinking theyre so great because they believe im so embared. Ive had a lot of **** about me on the internet, theyre pretty irrelevant , and i want to have a little fun. ( i know how bad this sounds -.-

BB:Sophie & Kris, fake?

Sophie and Kris from BB. Does anyone else think they are really fake?! They are a waste of BB space, they have no personality whatsoever - anyone else agree?

Is this alt-med site a 'Poe'?

You're just a non believer, once you try his "Happy Mood Salt - All Natural Alkaline Salt!" you'll be convinced.

My two wiener dogs got into my sons a&d diaper ointment and ingested a small amount. Is this poisonous to them?

I wouldn't worry that much about it. A&D is basically petroleum jelly. If anything they may get the squirts. It does say if accidental ingestion occurs drink water and do not induce vomiting. But it wouldn't hurt to call the ASPCA Poinson hotline (888) 426-4435

My 20 month old daughter still uses her pacifier but...?

She'll be just fine. The main problem with pacifiers is how it affects their speech. Children who learn to talk with pacifiers in their mouths often has speech difficulties later in life. If she only has it when she is getting ready to sleep, then she is not talking, therefore no worries about her speech. As far as 'screwing up' her mouth, it takes prolong use to effect the teeth and it doesn't sound like that is her at all. Let her enjoy it!

Why are Conservatives against saving American lives?

Conservatives don't want gitmo closed, don't want terrorists in America, and want them treated as,.. terrorists!!!! The libs disagree!!!! So the aiding and abetting leans heavily to the left!!!!

What are the causes of a Great Depression?

The Great Depression was the fault of the Government. Like now to feed the fat cats and leave out the American people.

R&P: Just how dark is your music library?

Well, The Prince of darkness, Ozzy Osbourne is about as dark as it gets.. so my music library is pretty dark.

I think my crush doesn't like me?

My last cl today was the same as my crushes. When the last bell went I did the usual packing up and leaving and when I got out into the corridor I noticed my friend walking alongside my crush. I decided this was a great opportunity and went up and said hi to my friend. My crush then walked off without saying a word to me or my friend. He did this another time with one of my other friends. He's friends with pretty much all of my guy friends. My crush will talk to me in cl even though I don't sit next to him. He's never been outwardly rude to me or anything like that, I just don't get why he walks off everytime I come over. Any advice?

Is it just my imaginaation or is she actually an angel?

Ok I had this REALLY wierd dream a long time ago like when I was in 1st grade. My mom ped away and of course I was devistated. But then I had this dream a couple of months later and it was in this old park that I used to go to with my cousin mandy all the time. It was also next to our old neighborhood where I grew up before we moved. And when I was at the park in my dream I saw my mom there, she was just standing there and I started crying insanely telling her how much I missed her. She said that she was happy to see me and that she's always watching me. And the whole time the dream was also sorta white and cloudy. What does this mean? Is it just me wanting to see her or is it really that she is an angel. I'm serious about this no joking ok?

Felling all alone?

surrounding by people but still feel lonely...just myself .... the feeling is just so scary...what do i do to make this feeling goes away?

The best leaper in the animal kingdom is the puma, which can jump to a height of 11.5 ft when leaving the grou?

The best leaper in the animal kingdom is the puma, which can jump to a height of 11.5 ft when leaving the ground at an angle of 47�. With what speed, in SI units, must the animal leave the ground to reach that height?

Something's wrong with my speakers...?

on the bottom right hand toolbar find volume, right click and select open volume control. then go and make sure that the balance has the right one unslected. if that's not it, try wiggling the cable into the speakers. most likely it is the balance

Free printable Algebra worksheets?

Hi, I'm looking for free printable algebra worksheets. Like lessons from a book, but something I can print, and do with a pencil and paper. Anyone know of such a site? Thanks

What are some bands/songs you think i would like?

um.. well i like three days grace, framing hanley, flo rida, akon, ah ok i pretty much listen to everything but clical and jazz. i'm looking for techno and alternative mostly. but anything will do i'm trying to fill up my ipod with songs that i would listen to so thank you PPL who answer and give suggestions =) oh and not to much religious stuff unless it's FF5 thx.

Please, need some help with this short text?

By 1905, he started to take his first lessons with a British teacher. He wrote his first story the following year and also wrote a short essay in English about Greek mythology. By the time he was 9 years old, he translated from English 'The Happy Prince' by Oscar Wilde, which was published in the newspaper 'The Country'. In the village of Palermo, which by that period was a village comprising mainly of of immigrants, many of them knew of the adventures of the compadritos that later filled his fictional stories. Borges graduated to the fourth grade directly from Primary School. By that time, his family was spending its summer vacations in Adrogue or in a house belonging to some Uruguayan relatives, named The Haedo."

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Let me just tell u my story first. I noticed a girl in my homeroom and I knew i recognized her before. I thought bout it and i realized i had a cl wit her two years ago. Anyway, i like her and want to ask her out. i don't want to rush things, so i started to talk to her to just become one of her friends. she talks back, smiles, laughs,.....(so i guess she doesn't hate me!). At first, i thought she was a clique girl, so i hesitated. However, i saw she was talking to girls that i talk to that are just friends. I think this is good cuz we have mutual frineds and have a common social status. I'm tryin to take my time until i ask her out. i don't want to freak her out cuz we don't know eachother that well. I plan on asking her and one of her friends to meet up wit me and one of my friends.(I know who each of the friends will be) to eat somethin on a weekend. she probably will be more comfortable if other people come along so that were just hangin out as friends. eventually i will just ask HER out. the place i have in mind is not too cheap and not too expensive. so i think i got it somewhat right. Does anyone have any advice? or am i heading in the right direction?

Aunt Flo flying in? (girls only please)?

I started puberty in 4th grade, now im in 6th. My stomach has been hurting in random spikes of pain and sometimes I feel like I'm actually chubbier than I am (Im actually really skinny, so its a weird sensation lol) I have all the bodily changes the only thing left is my period. sometimes it feels like I have to pee but i dont. i dont really know how to explain it. and since they say alot of friends start around the same time when they're really close, i dunno. Im just suspicious cuz my BEST Friend started a a few a weeks ago and i dont know im not an expert on this stuff lol

Any good upcoming bands out there?

Looking to listen for a grungy, hard rock kind of sound. Less like the Foo fighters.(I do like their newer stuff.) More like some of Cage the Elephant's stuff.

My house was foreclosed on in California?

My house got foreclosed on in California, I was told that if the bank did not go through a judicial foreclosure process that I would not be held liable for the remaining balance of the loan once they sold the house. However, before they sold the house, they sold one of my two original loans to another company who is now suing me for 78,000 dollars. Of course, I don’t have that much money (if I did I would still own my home) Does anyone know if this is legal? I do not want to have to file bankruptcy, but if I have to pay back 78,000 then obviously I will be forced to file bankruptcy. The company who holds the loan will not accept less than $1,100 per month payments, and there is no way I can afford that and rent on an apartment. Any advice?

Why do republicans deny having racist in their party because?

Strom Thurmond is dead. Jesse Helms is dead. Trent Lott is retired. Somebody has to wave the Confederate banner high, I suppose, and Jeff Sessions appears to have volunteered.

Does it bother anybody else that apparently we are raising a new crop of illiterates who are too lazy to...?

yes , it is lazy but we must understand this new generation ( BTW I am not one of them ) as long as they can spell it correctly in school and for their profession I do not have a problem!!

Take a look at the world around you, can you see the desperation?

They won't ask what do you want us to do about it. They'll simply make you feel inadequate because they're all nuts. And they don't care how it makes you or I feel. Yes. There is much desperation out here. Other days when I'm not on this website getting thumbs down and depressed...I feel quite fine actually. :-)

Where can I find clic playboy bunny costumes in a menagerie of colors?

playboy bunny costume - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do i survive or overcome this situation is it impossible?

Firstly, you are not old by any means. Second, You need to quit feeling sorry for yourself and start taking little steps toward your goal. All things don't change overnight. You need to stop thinking that people are only being nice because they feel bad for you, I am sure thats not true and I'm sure that some of them would have turned out to be great friendships. Finding a place that offers successful therapy would benefit you greatly. Until then you need to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and start making small adjustments that will make your life better and happier. Good luck.

Can the mystical experiences of saints/mystics be duplicated by chemical means?

hmmm.. I have heard spiritual people taking certain drugs for the purpose ie of aiding the progress maybe and (its totally true that some of them do use drugs --those who decide to be more un orthodox and experimenting )besides i have read from many sources (and think it could be true too)that drugs and psychedelic effects can awaken the kundalini and that is not safe and can be a dangerous way as purity is a requisite to awaken Goddess

Can necrotizing facsiitis eat away at bone, as well as the skin and muscle?

This flesh-eating bacteria creates toxins that literally act almost like someone injected sulfuric acid inside your skin, and you know what sulfuric acid does to you if you touch causes severe burns and even eats away at metal. The bacteria literally "eat away at the skin and the muscle" from the inside out.

What do people find attractive about Scarlet Johanson?

nothing... I actually think shes kind of weird looking but thats just my opinion, but yea i agree shes deff not ugly... : )

How can i convert a video file to amv?

I got a generic brand of the ipod nano 6g and to put videos on it i need to be able to convert them to AMV... i haven't been able to get a freeware program that will do this for me however... Also I heard that the AMV video quality is poor... how poor is the AMV video quality?

The power of positive thinking?

Hey hun! Well I had started ttc with my hubby in Oct 07. I was diagnosed with PCOS in June 08. I then had to start fertility treatments in Sept/Oct 08. I just had this overwhelming feeling that the new year would bring great things for my hubby and I. I couldn't explain it, just had a really strong feeling as it was a change. I started AF 1/11 and started my new regimen of Femara then a week of Gonal-f. All my u/s looked good and then I was given the trigger shot on cd 13, then ovulated 1 1/2 later. I found out 11 days later that I was pregnant! A moment that I will remember forever! I can't wait to meet our lil one in October :) Go with your gut instinct hun! I think we have those for a reason! Best wishes!!

Deployment Entitlements for Kuwait?

What are the entitlements for an Army Soldier in Kuwait? I know they got rid of eminent danger pay and a few others. I am a single soldier, and I know its tax free. What other incentives should i receive?

Why do I keep gaining weight even though I'm exercising?

I have started taking Pilate's and kickboxing cles and have noticed the scale going higher and higher. My eating has definitely not increased nor has my diet changed. But i generally eat a balanced diet. And i know muscle weighs more than fat but i'm trying to lose weight here, so I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who has the Copywrite on photos from the Pion?

I would like to make a collage with Photos from Mel Gibson's , "The Pion". How do I get permission to use Photos? I wrote a poem that coincides with it.

Which star(s) performed best on American Idol Finale?

There were a handful. I thought Fergie did really well. There were a number of older and current stars like KISS, Cyndi Lauper, Lionel Richie, Carlos Santana, Rod Stewart, Keith Urban, and others. Who did you list best?

Is wireless router bad for pregnant woman?

My wife used to watch videos online when she was pregnant in the 2nd to 3rd month, using the wireless router at home. About 6-7 hours per day and lasted for less than a month. The more important thing is we didn't notice that the router was about 2-3 feet from her body. By the way, the router is Netgear WGR614 54Mbps. We moved the router further when we noticed and we seldom used it anymore. Now it's the 7th month and the doctor said it was no problem. But we are still a little worried about it. Anyone knows about whether the wireless router is bad or not for pregnant woman? Thanks a lot....

Any suggestions of names?

I will probably work as childminder in few years time, but among many other ideas, I would like to have a name for my business like for example that Granny in MeeToo (Cbeebies) who has her trademark on her door...

What if mexico took control of texas?

would texans live in a refugee camp in oklahoma peacefully, as israel and the u.s.say the palestinians should in gaza?

I need a name for a womens indoor team.?

I have looked and researched at different names, and even portugese words, they sound nice. But anyone have names that have meanings. Maybe add (diamond), (Honey-Mel in Portugese), (Kiss-Beijo in Portugese)..something cool..Anyone know how to say Unbrakable or Unbeatable in Portugese? I nedd IDEAS!! please help:)

AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I can't take the stress!?

Stick with the cl, try to pay more attention. I had a Spanish cl also, where i didn't know any of the people. And when we did group projects i'd be the left over guy. You will make friends and the cl will get easier as time progresses. Good Luck

Floor paint problem in a garage wont dry?

Floor paint put down 10 days ago on concrete floor that had been leveld prior to painting and given time to go off. it still fells tacy in places and where it was thick the top has gone off but the base is soft ive tried heating it up ,any ideas /suggestions

Ideas on writing a letter about Troy the movie?

write about how stupid the story of troy is where they fight cause of a stupid woman called helen and paris becomes horny when he saw the beautiful helen and take her away also the weakling king Menelaus who cannot take it when his wife elope with the handsome hunk paris. so the movie is just a story about adultery or wife stealer then get punish when king Menelaus trick the spartan by giving them a gift but in reality they were macre when the trojan army came out in the wooden horse and then killed them all lol,

Boyfriend going into the Navy.?

He's already gone through MEPs, is participating in a DEP program, and is going to be leaving for basic training in early Nov. He is going to be actually gone for about three and a half years. I know about basic training. What is my life going to be like after that? How often will I get to talk to him? how do they deal with leave? will he get time off that won't eat into his 30 days a year or what ever it is that he has? how much time will he spend on ships at a time? anything. everything. I just want to know.

What level in gymnastics would i be in? 10 points!?

It depends what gymnastics you compete. You can either compete CARA or USAG. I compete CARA and I say you would probably be an optional 3 or 4!

Macbeth help please anyone with knowledge about it?

I need to know any details in Macbeth where characters have spoken about Duncan before or after he was killed, anyone with any contributions pls help. It is very urgent thank you ;)

If you are an early bloomer, will you hit menopause earlier than late bloomers?

Yes and no. It all depends on the amount of eggs you have. Not every woman will have the exact same number of eggs so its possible that a 10 year old could start the cycle and not get the menopause to late 50's or 60's.

I'm looking for a piece I can play...?

I really want to play something by Scriabin. The only problem is Scriabin was crazy and made every single one of his works very difficult. So I'm looking for a piece by Scriabin that I can play. I am a bit over grade 8 as I have played the Pathetique Sonata (quite a long time ago, don't know why it's grade 8+) and Rachmaninoff's g minor prelude. I have also played Chopin's Black Key etude. I would prefer the piece to be relatively short. 3-7 mins is good.

Need some help really quick with this recipe?

I've made this! Its really good. Brown the chicken first. Don't prepare the soup. Just use a spatula to get it out of the can. Adding some carrots and green onion would be good, but no more than a half cup of the carrots and no more than one or two green onions. You don't want to overwhelm it.

I wrote my mom a letter, but I'm afraid to print it. Should I?

If I were you I'd give it to her. Shes your mother and really should know whats going on with you. She'll maybe even be able to help you. Dont be scared, its not like shes going to judge you.

When you know you're in a relationship for the wrong reason(s)?

.He's not interested in now.That's big turn off.Not necessarily because you want it but because it is his way (or should be) of proving himself.You know I don't think he'll be disappointed if you raise this topic.He'll be relieved

Adam Schefter reports: a new nfl blockbuster trade?

a href=";_ylt=Aoj_zI3XfjzR703TtJGd9BFWxQt.;_ylv=3?link=list&sid=396545236";_ylt=Aoj_z…/a

Do you think I got the job?

Last week, I had an interview for a dietary aide position in a hospital that I would love to work for. At the very beginning of the interview, the HR manager informed me of the salary of the position and then began asking me the usual interview questions. All went well and towards the ending she said she would check my references and do a background check. She asked if I had any questions for her, and I asked her how soon would I be able to hear back from them and was told I should hear back within a week or so. She then discussed the places that I would need to go for health and drug screening as well as reporting to HR to submit 2 forms of ID and setting up direct deposit. My question is even though she didn't mention the exact start date, just all of the other things I mentioned, do you think that I got the job? All answers are appreciated.

What should I cook for a Birthday lunch for my family?

How about those cheap friends and family throw in together and take you out for a birthday meals. It's your day not theirs. But what you propose would do just fine, the beggars can't be choosers, they must take what is served. If it was me, it would be hot dogs and potato chips with cheap soda pop. If it was my sister and it was her 20th birthday, she would have a great time eating her favorite food at her favorite place with her favorite brother, well maybe me. Good luck with the meal, and have a very Happy 20th Birthday.

My 4 month old baby is sick.....?

Hi, i am a first time mother, my baby got sick, she has an ear infection but when the pediatrician checked her her chest was clear, her nose is congested and now when she coughs it sounds like she has secretions from the same congested nose coming down. The pediatrician gave her amoxilin and clabulanate with potium 1.5ml every 12 hours. Just wanted to when when did your baby get better and how was it treated? Thanx

What do you think RCB shud do now?


I think OJ Simpson is a better man then Michael Jackson.?

Will people cry and mourn the death of OJ? He was accused and never convicted of murder. Whats the difference? I say nothings different. People just pick and choose who they give a p to. Makes me sick and the kid that said he lied, hate to tell you that was made up the kid never said that mike didnt do it.

This question is for Halloween trick-or-treaters.?

Well i always loved when the person was really creative. So goody bags are really cool and other things like decks of cards. But dont be one of those annoying ppl that give u like healthy stuff.

I need to connect 10, 12 inch lcd screens together.?

You would need to have a computer connected to each one, if you wanted the touch screens to work. Otherwise, you can buy a VGA/DVI splitter to connect the monitors (though idk if it will work for 10)

Why is Casey Anthony kept handcuffed during jail visits, at some court hearings and police interviews?

Because she is a low-life s ***** that doesn't deseve to show her ugly face on the face of this Earth.

When plants "fix CO2," it means that plants?

D is the best answer. It isn't technically accurate. CO2 is incorporated into molecules that eventually become sugars.

Do i have swine flu or regular flu?

no matter what flu it is , it sucks none the less!!! but from what i understand the swine flu has some more respiratory issues. as in one of the other answers rest and drink pleanty of fluids you will know when you better!

Pictus Catfish & Plecostomus question?

I have ^^^^ those fish and I know the plecostomus eats algae, and when I bought the catfish it said it ate tropical fish flakes. I bought Tetra Color Fish Flakes... When I put it in there neither of them notice it they just keep swimming. I don't think they have ate the 2 days I've had them. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, I don't want them to die.

What is a platonic relationship?

Platonic:free from physical desire; "platonic love" . So yeah a platonic relationship means a friendship based relationship where there is no . But I have my own definition of platonic love/relationship. For me is when you are in love with someone and it's only an illusion, a desire to be with the other person and knowing that it will never happen yet you can't help to fall in love with that person.

Help on ode, sonnet, limerick, free verse, ballad?

I need to write an ode, 2 limericks, a sonnet, a free verse, and a ballad for a project. Can someone give me some poems that are original and not famous. So like no Shakespeare or things like that

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why am I so 2000 and late?

Fergie says she's so 2008 and I'm so 2000 and late. Why would she say this to me? I would never hurt her feelings. How do I cope with my hurt?

Help with choosing cabinet color?

I am debating between medium toned cherry cabinets, with a glaze. (I will have new venetian gold granite countertops.) Have determined that natural cherry is a little light for me...but not sure how dark to go. Should I go a little lighter than what I like in anticipation of the cherry going darker? Or will the darker stain pretty much stay the same? Are the samples typically already the darker color? (The samples are a few years old).

EMERGENCY!!!!! What is the best way to find video games tester jobs in your area?

The indoor pool im currently employed with is being remodeled and ill be out of a job for a while. I loooooooooove video games and a friend suggested i pick up a video games test job. You know, the guys who test the games, look for bugs, and compile reports of the glitches they find? I live in Atlanta, GA and did a google and bing search but to know avail. All I found was like sites that seem to be scams and stuff. Im. . .pretty desperate!!! Lol Any 1 who can contribute legitimate video games tester leads, from sites to check out to explaining the process of getting in the door would be soooooooooo very appreciated!!!!!

What is Judaism and Islams view of abortion?

Its a well known fact that Christianity both Catholicism and Protestant sects are opposed. What do the other two of the three great religions think.

As people get raptured will they have contrails behind them as they ascend?

a href="" rel="nofollow" except vertical lines??


Who will kick the most goals for Geelong.....(Geelong V Carlton) tomorrow!!!? i want to have a bet and i want your top 2 picks for geelong. Thanks heaps guys!

Is there life on Mars, Girl?

You don't want to live there, girl. Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. In fact, it's cold as Hell.

Dark red gums and a cold?

I have a cold at the moment, i am also congested. I noticed that in my mouth, my gums are a dark red color and feel uncomfortable at times. Could this be related to my cold and sinus congestion?

Is a V-Tec good on a car?

I have a prelude with a vtec. What does it improve? At what rpm? Can u tweak a vtec to max out power?

Predictions for the rest of the season after 2 games of each series?

Same as you cept bulls win. Atlanta doesnt have much of a homecourt advantage. Then bulls beat heat then mavs.

What do you think are the top 10 Disney movies ever made?

The Pirates of the Caribbean movies have to be included in a top 10 list. Who else could take a Walt Disney World ride/attraction and turn it into 3 (and soon to be 4) amazing films with in-depth plots and characters?

Thursday's Yankees (Sabathia) vs A's (Braden) game?

Well they keep beating the A's now CC is pitching, so I think they have a good chance to win again. They didn't do any walk-offs in a while, so I'm predicting they do a walk-off and aj burnett throws the shaving cream pie in the hero's face. because he finally got a win last night. 8-7 yankees.

GHETTO SLUM HEAVY METAL.........................…

i wanted to know what metal bands grew up in slums or ghettos(whatever),Gang an drug infested naighborhoods/city ,the hard parts of town,Compton,Harlem,Oakland,East bay,Salinas Ca. etc etc.

Asking mom about birth control?

Carefully explain it to her and see what she says, but I don't recommend asking her, because all she'll think is that when you want to have , you'll have it whenever and not fear pregnancy because you're on the pill. She might be more lenient than you think so...carefully and thoughtfully ask her. DOn't throw a fit if she says no though, because then she will think that the pill is for another reason than you actually want it for and probably not trust you.

Does this summary sound ok? (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)?

its really good but it sounds kind of like you didn't write it yourself. does your teacher (or whoevers judging the reading fair) think your a good writer? if you are then this is perfect.

How do I calculate the molarity of distilled water?

I have 50ml of the water but I am not sure how I get the molarity of the distilled water. What do I need to do?

Why is concrete reinforced with steel rods better for building a column with that limestone?

concrete are better in witstanding compression as opposed to limestone....the steel reinforcements are actually are to take any tensile stress(bending) that the column might feel....

5th symphony music box song?

i want to listen to the 5th symphony by Beethoven in a music box tone to get an idea of what it sounds like. anyone have website(s) that have what i'm looking for?

Yugioh Fish deck, help me out!!?

add 2 more cyber shark, it is like a cyber dragon. really good card. also i'm not sure of you have it but add 3 of that fish tuner that just came out in crimson crisis. and a bunch of synchros. i would drop the sac monsters and the big wave small waves but it's your choice. just add 3 a legendary ocean so it is easier to et out sac monsters and your fishys get a attack bonus. thats all i can think of. hope this helps.

Are you a citizen of the world or a citizen of the Country that you have allegiance to?

I may be in the minority...but I am still proud to be an American...natural born citizen, child of two people who were also born here from parents who made their way to this country in search of freedom.They never forgot what America meant..nor have I.

Does anybody have a listing of the eruptions taking place by Mt. Tambora?

The last time that Mt. Tambora erupted was in 1967. Prior to that it erupted in 1880 � 20, 1819, and between 1812 and its catastrophic eruption in 1815. Previous to that, radiocarbon dating of volcanic deposits indicate that Mt. Tampora erupted about 5910� 200, 5050 (?) and 740 � 150 BP. Undoubtedly, many minor eruptions, which remain undated, occurred prior to 1812 than is currently known. The 5910, 5050, and 740 BP eruptions are only the major eruptions that produced datable volcanic deposits.

Exhaust leak in a '98 plymouth voyager minivan?

it looks as if the metal crinkley looking hose has broken and there is a 2 inch gap. How do I fix this MYSELF???

Why do people smoke cigarettes?

i have alot of friends that smoke and i dont see the appeal of em. ive tried smoking just out of curiousity but all it did was make my clothes smell funny

Most anchor baby countries are third world nations, why do we want to be like them?

Is that how you decide what our Constitution should provide? What other parts of the Constitution do you not like because it's also a practice in 3rd world countries?

What can I say to convince my mom that I'm old enough to have guy FRIENDS?

Tell her straight up that you're not interested in him as a boyfriend. Tell her that if you do find someone, you'll tell her right awawys.

Do you agree with football wizard, Jason Akermanis, when he says that Melbourne can't.........?

Akermaina has a big mouth and most of what comes out is crap, but im with him one this one, the kangaroos made a big misake not takeing the millon dollars for the move to the gold coast, ti think the Kangaroos and the Bulldogs may not last 5 years

Have you noticed degri is recycling Characters?

I see that a little but I mean I don't think it's recycling. I think they've always tried to represent every kind of person, and they did it so well with their old characters and they're doing it well now with the new ones. I still love degri no matter what, and I like how the use characters! Plus, you'll notice the way they use the characters is different, so it doesn't matter if the characters are similar.