Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do You Support These Proposals On Gay Rights?

I agree with everything. This is the 21st century. Gays are just people who happen to have a different ual orientation to me. I got no problem with that, and kids should be taught to respect gay people in the same way that they should be taught to respect others, after all, some of them will go on to be gay themselves. REALITY is something sadly lacking in Britain, we need a little more of it, and Faith schools,especially Islamic faith schools, should be made to either teach the acceptance and tolerance of gay people, or be closed down completely. I find it hard to believe that this could even be an issue in this day and age. Let alone the subject of a cheap vote winner for Nick Klegg, the man who sold out the British people by pulling hes support for the EU referendum at the very last minuit BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT with the labour and conservative parties in order to insure their seats on the EU gravy train.....Did you really think that we have forgotten Nick, you judas......

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