Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feeling Depressed and Lonely from cross country...Help?

When I was little, I wasn't the type that made a lot of friends; I was this tomboy like girl that loved all these boy clothes, but right now I'm mostly like a girl except that I like a few anime cartoons. My sister caused me to have no friends during fourth and the rest of the grades beyond since she would tell how disgusting I am. She would also spread rumors about the fights we have and tell everyone that I'm such a boy. Thus, I started to feel no emotion throughout my life and I tried to resolve this by joining cross country in seventh and eighth grade. I had a friend or two on my seventh and eighth grade cross country team, but my sister pretty much sealed the gap between my life of earning any friends. I was powerless and getting a guidance counselor to help didn't seem to stop her actions. She was the popular and I was a mere spec before her dictatorship over me. Currently, I'm a freshman cross country runner, but in practice, people treat me cruelly only the seniors are actually nice to me. My sister manipulates all of the sopres, which there composes about half our team, and tells them how disgusting I am and all the other fights we have. She ensures that I gain no friends, and each day is a struggle when my coach tells us to pair up with someone for a free run, and no one will accept me. I try to talk, but I don't go out much and I have no social life due to the fact that after my sister had done no one liked me. My friends I have right now, I'm too embarred to have them come over since she would just make fun of me and of my friends. I love running, but it's really hard when you have no friends on the xc team and they make of you. I had a pion for running, but it seems like its all gone; it feels like I just wanna quit due to the fact of me having no friends. When I try to interact with people, they all think I'm weird and they can't accept me for myself. They go as far as asking "Who are your friends?" and my sister would say "she has no friends" and laugh. All the freshman love her and everyone hates me. No one seems to understand, and I hate quitting something that I have pion for.

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